May the Fervor Live On

Thursday, February 3, 2011

This afternoon I was given some tragic news that one of the members of our residence group has passed away.

I met Richard Kirton, Rick, and his wife Angela back in September at the first public meeting that was held at Club Roma. When I opened the floor for discussion, Rick was one of the first to jump up and to share his ideas about what needed to change in Western Hill. His comments were not ones of blame or complaint but instead of constructive criticism and active suggestions of ways to bring prosperity into his community. He was passionate to see change come to Western Hill and it was obvious that he would do everything he could to see that change come to pass.
At the second meeting at WestPark Richard was present again with Angela. Again, Rick was full of optimism and passion and was an active member of the discussion. At that meeting Rick made his commitments clear by joining a residents group dedicated to seeing revitalization come to the St. Catharines Train Station.
At the first residents meeting, Richard had a keen interest in the mural project on the front of the station. He wanted to demonstrate the good in the Western Hill community and bring to light the significance of the station and the uniqueness of his community. Rick was interested in seeing significant change come to Western Hill and was excited to be a part of the action. Rick had a fervor that was contagious.
With Rick's passing, I am reminded of the fragility of life and the quickness of time. My encounters with Rick were few but his impact was lasting. Rick showed me that Western Hill was a community worth fighting for; Western Hill was a community worth investing in; and Western Hill was a community with enthusiasm and zeal. I will never forget Rick's passion for his community and I hope that as a group we can carry that passion forward. I pray that Rick's vision for the future would be realized among us and that we can partner with Rick to see revitalization come to Western Hill.
Thank you Rick for giving us hope for the future and may your fervor live on among us.