Chalk Walk

Monday, November 21, 2011

I have been spending time trying to find creative ways to engage children with the Western Hill community and I think I may have found it!

Every year Lewiston (USA) holds a "Chalk Walk" competition. A fun and engaging, one day art project that brings together local elementary schools in the neighbourhood.

Is this something you feel could work in Western Hill?

What are your thoughts?

Here is a link to the Lewiston festival and a video from a similar project:

Town Hall Meeting

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The RAFT and WeCan (West End Community Action Network) will be hosting a Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday November 29th at 7:00pm at the West Park Secondary School.

What do you think should be changed in Western Hill?

What are your suggestions to making that change happen?

We are looking to update the residents of Western Hill about successful projects that have taken place but more importantly we are looking for suggestions for positive change from the community. The meeting is open to all residents of Western Hill to come out and discuss some of the issues facing Western Hill.

Great Job!

Monday, November 7, 2011

The official unveiling of the mural was a huge success! There wasn't a cloud in the sky and several community members were able to attend. Special thanks for the Standard for running a great article in the paper on the event (see link). I would also like to thank everyone for taking time out of their afternoon to celebrate with the community on a job well done and I look forward to hearing more suggestions for positive change in Western Hill at our next Town Hall!

Standard Article: