I want to thank everyone for coming out to the Town Hall at West Park Secondary School. Even though the weather wasn't on our side we still managed to get some great suggestions for positive changes in Western Hill. I have posted the comments and suggestions made by the community for everyone to view. For full meeting minutes please click here.
Town Hall Minutes
Chalk Walk
Town Hall Meeting
The RAFT and WeCan (West End Community Action Network) will be hosting a Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday November 29th at 7:00pm at the West Park Secondary School.
Great Job!

Unveiling Date is Set

New Contact
I would like to pass on a new contact name for all questions regarding the Train Station Mural Project. Due to some staffing changes, for the next couple weeks, this blog will not be updated on a regular basis. If you would like to volunteer with the mural project or have any questions regarding the project, please contact Shawn Reimer at 905-324-0035 or email him at shawn@reimergraphic.com.
No Painting on Monday
FYI, we will not be painting on Monday due to some staff shortages. We'll resume painting on Tuesday.
RAFT Newsletter
I just want to pass on the RAFT's newsletter where the Train Station Project is highlighted. Thank you to our committed volunteer who gave the interview and for all of you who continue to make this project a success. Have a read.
Paint, paint and more paint
Let the Painting Begin!
I want to invite all of you to join us for our first day of painting, tomorrow, August 5! We will be meeting on the platform at 10:30 a.m. and will be there for most of the day. Please bring a hat, sunscreen and cold water as it's suppose to be a scorcher of a day. But, with a good attitude, good people and a good project, we are guaranteed to have a good time.
Images on the Wall
Tracing Tonight
Tonight's the night. Come out for a great time tracing a giant mural on the wall. We will be meeting on the platform around 10 p.m. to trace what is projected on the wall. Bring your friends and neighbours for a great community event!
Rain Check
Unfortunately due to the rain and some miscalculations, we will NOT be having our tracing party tonight. Reimer Graphics were not able to get the panels installed in time. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience that this may cause. Our new date is Monday, August 1st at 10 p.m. Please let me know if you can make it out on Monday night. The more the merrier.
Tracing Party
So the panels for the mural are being installed as I type and we will be ready for the next step. If you are someone who can't come during the day to help out, or is a night owl just gearing up at 10 at night, we need you!
No Work Today
Due to the increased temperatures we will not be working for the rest of the week at the Train Station. Monday, July 25th we will be back at work around 10:30 a.m. Come to the platform or at the old Nerd Building. Come ready to sand, paint and install!
And So it Begins
St.Catharines Standard Article
I want to make a shout out to the St. Catharines Standard for posting such a great article about our Train Station Project. Thanks for the accurate representation of our project and helping us spread the word about our community project. Here's the article.
Volunteer Availability Form
If you are interested in volunteering, please see our Volunteer page for full details on when we will be beginning and to fill out a quick questionnaire about your availability and preferences.
Volunteers Needed!

Western Hill Social Event of the Year!
Calling all Volunteers
We have reached our fundraising goals and are ready to start painting! We are very excited to get started in this great community project but we need your help. We are looking for volunteers of all types. If you are a hard-worker, have handy-man skills, painting skills, drawing skills or just a good attitude, we need you. Please contact Suzanne (905-327-4355 or suzanne@theraft.ca) if you are interested in helping. We will be looking for volunteers as early as July 4th. Stay tuned for more details.
Niagara Neighbourhood Community Fund
I would like to pass on some very good news that we have received grant money from the Niagara Neighbourhood Idea Fund for our mural project. Thanks so much to the communities of United Way, Niagara Community Foundation and the Trillium Foundation for your support in our efforts.
Last Minute Call Out
This post is coming with very short notice but I would like to send out an invitation to all of you to join the Mural Committee on Tuesday, May 31st from 4-5:30 p.m. for an update on the Mural Project and our current status. The reason for this short notice is that today we hit a road block that we need your input on and your thoughts on how to over come it.
New Life
Community Clean Up
When I started in the morning I was convinced the rain had scared everyone away and that I was going to be left to my own devices to clean up around the station. But then, much to my relief Nancy, Jim and Robin came to clean up the future site of the Community Garden. These three West End Gardeners were there preparing the site to be tilled, cleaning up any debri and garbage that may have drifted onto their land as well as digging out old cement blocks; saving the plow from being seriously damaged (thanks Jeff).
Jim, Nancy and Robin, thank you for coming out and showing your support for this project. You have some beautiful land that is going to really make an impact in your community. Thanks for "pitching-in" and making the community clean up day a success.
Happy planting!
Let's Clean Up
So it looks like we will finally have our clean up day this Saturday. If you are willing and able, come out to the St. Catharines Train Station for a morning of "Spring" cleaning. Our objective will be to pick up some garbage and give the Station a once over before the summer months hit.
Hope to see you there!
Re-scheduled AGAIN.
So the weather does not seem to be cooperating with us and our schedules don’t seem to be aligning. For these two reasons, the station clean-up scheduled for tonight will be cancelled. The new date will be Saturday May 7th and hopefully we will have nice weather, a good turn out of people and accomplish much. We will be meeting at the back of the station where we planted the tulips at 10 a.m. and will be cleaning till about 12 p.m. If you are able to attend please leave a comment below. Hope to see you on the 7th.
Rain, rain, go away!
Our Spring Clean up Day this morning is officially POSTPONED! Due to the heavy rains that show no sign of stoping, we will be postponing our efforts to Monday, April 18th from 6:30-8:30 p.m. If you are still interested please leave a comment on the blog so I know how many to expect for Monday evening. I apologize for any inconvenience they may cause.
Pitch-in Day Rain Plan
I have had questions about what we will do if it rains on Saturday. If it is slightly raining we will be continuing with our plan to do our community clean-up- come dressed for the weather. If it is absolutely pouring we will reschedule our clean-up day for Monday evening from 6:30-8:30 p.m. I will post only if it is cancelled. Let's pray for sun!
Pitch-in Day
April 16th, we will be having a community clean-up day. Our efforts will be a part of the City wide "Pitch-in Day" where community members across St. Catharines will be doing their part to clean up the City.
We will be focusing our energy around the St. Catharines Train Station and neighbourhood. Due to our Train Station Revitalization initiatives we thought this would be an appropriate place to start. If you are interested in joining us please contact us so that we can have enough supplies for the group.
Ridley Partnership Formed!
We have exciting news to share: Ridley College has agreed to give us land for the community garden! Our hope was to start a community garden in the back field behind the station and it is now happening. Thanks to Jim Blundell and Robin Guard, the partnership has been formed and we hope to get our shovels in the dirt as soon as the ground thaws.
May the Fervor Live On
This afternoon I was given some tragic news that one of the members of our residence group has passed away.